The Land and Other Facts
Where else would one find a waterfront property in Bahia, or anywhere, having two natural boundaries, an ocean on the East, and a river on the West. This large oceanfront property is unique in so many ways, plus, the attractive incentives mentioned below makes it one of the finest real estate options on the world market, especially for those seeking paradise.
The land measures approximately 15.33 hectares, roughly equaling 38 acres, or 153,300 sq. mt. It has two distinct natural boundaries, the Atlantic Ocean on the East, and the Rio Preto river on the West. Two hundred meters (656 feet) is facing the ocean and the same number of meters face the river. The depth of the land from east to west is nearly 800 meters, or approximately, 874 yards. The property is equally divided in half by a eucalyptus fence running from east to west separating the human occupied section of the main residence from the underdeveloped half.
Peacefully situated in one of the most breathtaking and pristine areas of Brazil. Mogiquiçaba Beach, is found on the southern coast of Bahia, a world famous northeastern state most consider the jewel of the country because of its beautiful beaches. An enchanting paradise where an individual still has the unique privilege of strolling on the beach all day long without encountering another human soul. However, Mogiquiçaba is sufficiently close to large cities where virtually anything of need could be found.
Land Documentation
The land has all proper and legal documents, including the CDA, which is the official title from the state of Bahia (a document few properties have), Deed, Registration and SPU.
Property Taxes
There is one huge advantage when living in a rural area in Brazil, the ITR and INCRA rural property taxes are equivalent to approximately USD $30.00 a year, and it covers the entire 15.33 hectares and all the structures.
Undoubtedly there appears to be a mythical impression that Brazil is simply a huge forest where heat and humidity always prevail. Adding to this false portrayal is the oppressive heat normally experienced at beautiful touristic cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza. Conversely, the southern part of Bahia offers perhaps the most pleasant weather pattern found in the entire country. Temperatures in the hottest days of summer rarely exceed 32º C (90 F), while the coldest days of winter almost never drop below 18º C (65º F). Probably making this region most appealing is the constant ocean breeze, which makes it very delightful even for those incapables of tolerating any heat.
Unlike many coastal areas of the world, Bahia has never experienced a hurricane. In 2004, the first and only tropical storm ever recorded in the country, occurred in the southern state of Santa Catarina, otherwise, the Brazilian coast provides a dependable peace of mind other luxury locations should envy.
Not surprising that this immaculate region is home to one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth. For several months of the year this region becomes one of the principals nesting grounds for the marine and giant turtles. The ongoing survival cycle of these species has been occurring way before Pedro AAlvares Cabral set his sight on these beautiful shores back on April 22, 1500. Furthermore, let us not forget the bird life diversity of this region, which simply is stupendous, having an overabundance of exotic and sensational colorful birds. Six varieties of woodpeckers make this land their home, as well as several types of hawks and owls.
Aside from the nearly 600 coconut trees found in the property, there are numerous fruiting plants, like mangava, caju, almond, banana, caxandó, maracujá, dendê, coco babão, watermelon, jamelão, pimenta aroeira, araçá, etc. This heavenly property also has many beautiful colorful species of bromeliads and orchids, plus a variety of tropical exotic plants and several species of cacti.
Since several sections of the property are opened and clear of trees, any interested buyer would have the option of having or using a helicopter if they so desire (a license may be required).
Internet, Satellite TV and Cell Phones
A 4G transmitting tower is located 4 miles (6 kilometers) from the property. Both Internet and cell phone signals are as good as in most Brazilian cities. Several companies provide perfectly clear satellite TV access with hundreds of channels, many transmiting HD.
Nearby Cities
The property is less than 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Porto Seguro, where the Portuguese first discovered Brazil in 1500. A beautiful city that today is one of the principal summer attractions for Brazilian and foreign tourists. Porto Seguro is home to numerous well-supplied supermarkets carrying all sorts of national and international goods. A plethora of specialty shops practically supplies any item of necessity most may be searching for.
Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors
There are three hospitals in the vicinity. One in the city of Belmonte, 25 kilometers (18 miles) away, another in the city of Santa Cruz de Cabrália, 24 kilometers away, plus a much larger hospital in Porto Seguro, a city where several private clinics are also found. These three cities have many competent doctors, specialists, surgeons, and dentists.
An international airport is located in the city of Porto Seguro, and a regional landing strip for smaller private planes is found in the city of Belmonte.
Rural Area Advantages
Aside from lower taxes, all rural areas have the advantage of less expensive electricity cost. Many car dealerships offer discounts to owners of rural areas, plus, automobile insurance rates are significantly cheaper.